Profile the members from each groups:
Super Junior / 슈퍼주니어

Birth name : Park Jung-soo /
박정수Stage name : Leeteuk /
이특Born : July 1, 1983 (leader)
Voice type: Tenor
Park Jung-soo wanted a stage name similar Kangta, and thus chose the name
Leeteuk, which denotes to "special". As the oldest member of the group, he was chosen to be the leader.

Birth name : Kim HeeChul /
김희철Stage name : HeeChul
Born : July 10, 1983
Voice type: Tenor
Also well known as Cinderella because of his character (he's so beautiful when wearing girly dress!!) , Heenim, and Flower. You will called "petals" if you be his fans.

Birth name: Hangeng /
韓庚 (Chinese)
Stage name: Hankyung /
한경 (Korean)
Born : February 9, 1984
Voice type: tenor
He's da only member who not originally come from Korea. Hankyung is one of the two members in the group that performs Chinese Martial Arts in Super Junior's dance, the other being Sungmin. He is also known for his dancing skills.

Birth name: Kim Joong-woon /
김종운Stage name : Yesung /
예성Born : August 24, 1984
Vocal type: baritone
He's da one who has characteristic voice. Also has a great movement on dance. Sometimes he acts silly that can make us laugh XD

Birth name: Kim Young-woon /
김영운Stage name: Kangin /
강인Born: January 17, 1985
Vocal type: Baritone
Kangin is the strongest one on Super Junior. But sometimes he acts cute!

Birth name: Shin Dong-hee /
신동희Stage name: Shindong /
신동Born: September 28, 1985
Vocal type: Bass
Because Shindong's birth name sounding similiar to Donghae,his bandmate
, he decided to use the stage name Shindong, derived from his surname and the first word of his birthname
. "Shindong" is translated to prodigy, proving himself to be of extraordinary alent to the audience despite his lack of an ideal idol appearance.

Birth name: Lee Sungmin /
이성민Stage name: Sungmin
Born: January 1, 1986
Vocal type: Tenor
The cutie one in group. Sungmin was then placed in a project R&B group with Xiah Junsu and future bandmate
Eunhyuk in 2002. Along with Typhoon, Rose, and Attack. But Xiah must leave the group because he joined DBSK, then Typhoon, Rose, and Attack become a band "TRAX". In the other hand, sungmin and Eunhyuk debuted in Super Junior.

Birth name:Lee Hyuk-jae /
이혁재Stage name: Eunhyuk /
은혁Born: April 4, 1986
Vocal type: tenor
The dorkiness one in this group. but his dance can really make you exited about his performance. He used a stage name due to a conflict with another celebrity, Lee Hyuk-jae, a famous comedian who shares the same name.

Birth name: Lee Donghae /
이동해Stage name: Donghae
Born: October 15, 1986
Vocal type: tenor
His name means The Sea of Japan or well known as East Sea. cause of his name, sometimes member called him "fishy". Only fish who can lived in sea. *weird thinking of members* ^^

Birth name: Choi Siwon /
최시원Stage name: Siwon
Born: February 10, 1987
Vocal type: baritone
Siwon was raised in strict Protestan family from Seoul. Siwon has many experience in acting world. He become an actor before he go to be the singer on Super Junior.

Birth name: Kim Kibum /
김기범Stage name: Kibum
Born: August 21, 1987
Vocal type: bass
He is also the cousin of famous actor and model, Shin Dongwook. At the age of ten, he moved to California
, United States where he attended his high school years at Santa Monica High School.

Birth name: Kim Ryeowook /
김려욱Stage name: Ryeowook
Born: June 21, 1987
Vocal type: tenor
He is recognized by his fellow members as the "eternal magnae" (eternal youngest) of the group, as well as one of the three most vocally powerful. Before Kyuhyun go into the group, Ryeowook commonly called himself the youngest despite being a few months older than Kibum.

Birth name: Cho Kyuhyun /
조규현Stage name: Kyuhyun
Born: February 3, 1988
Vocal type: bass
Ryeowook and Kibum are the magnae in Super Junior, until May 2006 when Kyuhyun's addition to the group, he finally setted as the youngest. However, he has a great voice and joined a sub group of Super Junior, Super Junior K.R.Y.
DBSK / 동방신기
Birth name: Jung Yunho
Stage name: U-know Yunho / 유노윤호
Born: February 18, 1988
His name "U-Know" was come from his Korean name "Yunho". U-Know is pronounced "You know" in English. However, it's meant to mean "Yunho 'Knows You'" in regard to his understanding of the other members as the leader of TVXQ.

Birth name: Han Jaejoon / 한재준
Stage name: Youngwoong Jaejoong / 영웅재중
adopted name: Kim Jaejoong / 김재중
Born: January 26, 1986
Jaejoong has "Hero" as his name stage. His manager picked the name for him because he wanted him to be the hero of the music industry.

Birth name: Park Yoochun / 박유천
Stage name: Micky Yoochun / 믹키유천
Born: June 4, 1986
Yoochun is the only member who ever lived in US. Micky is Yoochun's english name when he was lived in Virginia. And now he well known as Micky Yoochun.

Birth name: Kim Junsu / 김준수
Stage name: Xiah Junsu / 시아준수
Born: December 15, 1986
Kim Junsu become "Xiah Junsu" on a stage. Xiah "pronounced Shee-Ah in korea" is his name that he chosed by himself. He want explain to his fans that the name was short for Asia "pronounced Ah-shee-ah in korean". His name indicated that he want become a star not only in Korea, but also in all continent esp in Asia

Birth name: Shim Changmin / 심창민
Stage name: Choikang Changmin / 최강창민
Born: February 18, 1988
Changin is the youngest member in DBSK. But he has a great voice! His name Choikang in Korean means "Most powerful" or similiar like "the best". That's why he choose "Max" became his international name.
(Some of news i get from Wikipedia.)