Who knew f(x)’s Sulli had a long lost twin?
This recent selca has been attracting a lot of attention and obviously you can see why.
Super Junior’s Kim Heechul posted this photo on his Cyworld minihompy today and titled it: Sulhee where he wrote,
“I took this photo with my f(x) dongseng after filming. I took on the role of Sulli.” (그는 ‘f(x) 동생들이랑 촬영한 후 찍었다. 난 설리 역할을 맡았고..’라며 사진을 소개했다.)
He added: “11 years difference. To try to make our age difference not as obvious, I even tried to do a bboo-ing bboo-ing (type of expression), however, compared to Sulli’s ‘heh heh~’ smile, I’m just a candle next to a typhoon. Time is like an arrow sigh..Sulli is proof.” (11살 차이. 나이차를 줄여보기 위해 뿌잉뿌잉도 해보고 다 해봤지만 설리의 ‘헤헤~’ 웃음 앞에선 그저 태풍앞의 촛불일 뿐. 세월은 화살같구나 참..설리가 진리)
Heechul sure is odd… but entertaining.
credit: allkpop