The title for their come back album is sorry sorry ^^
aahh.. concern at oppas!!! they look so hawt!!!
You can see they stand in line by age!!From the eldest, Teuki, until the youngest, Kyuhyun.
But I can't see Kangin oppa.. huhu.. his face is behind Yesung...
Btw, It's begin with Leeteuk and finish to Kyuhyun... Super Junior only 13.. 13eyond your imagination!!!

Look the picture! Kibum was there!!! (since i can't found him in Marry U Japanese Version) LoL.
Most of them have a different hairstylish than before.. honestly, i think it's abit "weird". Especially Hee Chul. Bob style with wavy hair?
Well, it's just my opinion.

the concept is being trendy and stylish. Look at Ryeowook, Shiwon, and Donghae!!! Hyaa!!!>.< Shiwon oppa.. your appearance is extremely cool! great with that tie! and.. Donghae oppa, what are you staring at? Ryeowook?? Do you want to leave Eunhyuk and make a new realtionship with Ryeowook?? So it'll be Ryeohae? hehe.. just kidding..^^
But i still love Eunhae couple...

finally i can see Kangin oppa!! he's missing in the 1st picture. But hyuuh, thanx God I can see him again.^^ Hankyung oppa, what magazine did you read? And the other one who's standing.. is Kyuhyun oppa??

Like you say on your message, “Our 3rd album will be a hit, so look for it!”.. Yeah.. i've look the cover, and i guaranteed your album will be number 1! *nod nod*
Teuki oppa!!! your 45 degrees style!! ^^ great! make me melting!
Aren't all of them looks like mafia? cause they use black suit.. but i love it!!
pict credit to : soulbeats and nicoleta (thanx friend!! you are so awesome!!)
wow..the album came yesterday??
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