Super Junior Kangin has been voted as the one who has the most “loose tongue” in Super Junior.
On the show KBS2TV “Ji SeokJin & Choi WonJung’s Yeoyoomanman” which will be aired on June 10th, MC Ji SeokJin has asked Kangin why he has been chosen as the most “loose tongue” member on an entertainment program which EunHyk said “Kangin is like Super Junior’s entertainment relay show”
Therefore, Kangin has pointed to Leeteuk and said “Leeteuk hyung knows better (than me) when it comes to rumours in showbiz” and “There is no one who is taciturn among Super Junior members” which made everybody burst out laughing.
Also, when was asked “Super Junior’s Casanova is Eunhyuk, right ?”, Eunhyuk had waved his hand and denied. But after seeing the other members’ affirmation, Eunhyuk has stood up and threatened “Do you guys want me to reveal all of your secrets, right ?”
Yesung also wanted to compare his head with the other members when they were asked “The member who has the biggest head is Yesung, right ?”. But after sense the uneasy atmosphere, Shindong said “OK, I’m the one who has the biggest head”
The show will be aired at 9.30AM on June 10th
credit: ♥ KPOP JJANG 짱
shared BY: icecoffeeprinces
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