MBC has been continuously trying to think up new ideas ever since program after program flopped on their Sunday Sunday Night line-up with We Got Married barely surviving, but will their new show "Oppa Band" win over the viewers? The "band members" have been confirmed with Kim Gu Ra as the producer, Shin Dong Yup on the bass, Tak Jae Hoon on the drums, Yoo Young Suk on the keyboard, Park Hyun Bin as the main vocalist, Trax's Kim Jung Mo as the 1st guitarist, and Super Junior's Sungmin as the 2nd guitarist. Although you guys might be wondering what Shin Dong Yup and Tak Jae Hoon are doing in the group, they do have some experience playing their respective instruments through bands that they had been in... 20 years ago.
The show will consist of them learning from a rather scary music teacher and all of them will then have to move forward together to create a rock band. The first episode will air on the 21st and I just might be tuning in. I can't wait to see Gu Ra and the music teacher yell at the band members for not being able to follow directions.
since there is Shin Dong Yup, it will be funny then,, ehehe,,
credit : allkpop
shared by: icecoffeeprinces
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