Jungsoo’s Cyworld Diary Entry 2009.08.06 20:10
2009.08.06 목 20:10
..Up till now, I am not used to partings..Although it’s a fact in the world…. -..I hate partings…Is it because I’m
not matured enough in my heart…
..Should sleep relaxingly…Relax….
..Hope that you will forget about all the pain in the world…And only feel the happiness…
..Although it’s only a short fate..
..Jaehee-ya..You must be healthy in Heaven..Hope that you will give your beautiful voice to many more
..Hope that more people will be happy and have happiness…
..And Jaehee’s father..
..Thank you for letting an unaccomplished me.. Thank you so much for making me into a white angel..
..Always live healthily..Thank you so much for letting me get to know such a good man like you..
..Today the heavens showed a smiling face…..
..Praying for Jaehee……………
Credits; OnlySJ13, SJBluecn
shared by superduperlove
brought to you by icecoffeeprinces
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