Idol group Super Junior member, Sungmin was chosen as the one who stimulate maternal instinct of nuna fans most.Community portal site dcinside has made a poll from July 28th to August 4th “Oojjujjujju, Idol male group member who can stimulate your maternal instinct is ?”, and Sungmin got the No.1
“Oojjujjujju” is the sound often used to calm down a child, but recently, nuna fans often used when it comes to cute idol male group members that awake their maternal instinct.
Total 20,337 people done this vote; Sungmin got No.1 with 5,841 people (28,7%). With the cute face that no one can believe that he’s 25 years old and beautiful voice, Sungmin was received love from nuna fans.
Recently, he even showed his skill in entertainment field through the show MBC “Oppa band” and got the nickname “병아리” (chicken)
The #2 is SS501’s Kim HyunJoong with 4,800 people (23,6%) and #3 is Shinee’s Taemin with 2,430 people (11,9%).
The list also consist DBSG’s Micky Yoochun, SS501’s Kim HyungJoon, SJ’s Heechul…
Source: Osen
Translations: evanesco@sj-world.net
credit: ♥ KPOP JJANG 짱
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