" 내 형 ….이특…^^/My hyung…. Leeteuk…^^

It has been 12 years since coming out to live life . . .
I met really good people .
To be honest, when I saw Leeteuk hyung’s words, I teared .
It’s a truth I really hate to admit . . .
But nothing is possible without hyung .
Being able to reach till today like this, it was only possible because of hyungie .
Teukie hyung who, if we cry, we cry together, if we laugh, we laugh together .
Teukie hyung who, thinks about others before himself and although it’s just a little more, he’d give others even more .
He’s superb during broadcasts .
Even though (he) knows everything, the feeling is like he’s not joking around ^ ^
Although there are times when (he) makes the atmosphere a little uncomfortable .
Teuk, who never admits to failure and is willing to bravely challenge anything ..^^
Even when I’m 40 or 50, I will believe in hyung ^ ^
I love you!!Hyung-nim!!
Hyung-nim, don’t feel lonely . . . I will continue nagging right beside you ^ ^
Even 10 years from now on ^ ^
Suju leader Leeteuk!!Leeteuk who is stronger than anyone else!! You are truly the thumb-wrestling king!!^^
credit: nicoleta
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