Heechul’s Cyworld Entry 2009.05.19 18:23
In the ‘希’ folder..
우 리 주 인 이 달 라 졌 어 요/ Our Owner Has Changed
Our owner has changed
Before, he fed me cat food everyday, then he suddenly gave me tuna, fresh fish and everything delicious
After bathing, he wouldn’t throw me into the water anymore
He wouldn’t scold me for sleeping in the rice bin because it was too cold
He also wouldn’t treat me as the pillow because he had none himself
He also wouldn’t let me dance to Sorry Sorry on my 2 legs
He also wouldn’t scold me this cat, “Moron XX” for dancing Gee bad
And also caring about me more than loving himself
credit: OnlySJ13, LoveChul
shared by: dbsjheaven.blogspot.com
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