[CYWORLD] 170509 Heechul's cyworld update

Ah today’s first “It’s you” broadcast ㅋ

Dance teachers SangHoonie hyung and Jaewonie hyung came to monitor us ㅋ


Woowang* (meaning good, I think) ㅋGoodㅋ


They also know that.. Among the staffs..

EHB, and Golden Bride staffs, they also take very good care of us


Woowang ㅋ Good ㅋ


In truth, during the rehearsals..

When I was whispering, It’s you.. I only want you.. I burst out laughingㅋㅋ


SangHoonie hyung and JaeWon hyungie said that during ‘It’s you’ 째깍째깍 (Tictoctictoc) part, even the footwork was choreographed carefully

“Heol.. Even the minute details of the dance were arranged nicely..” To sigh with such feelingㅋㅋ

Especially our members who expressed our innermost gratitude to the directors and staffs ㅋ

No matter what, because of the amount of our members Woowangㅋ Goodㅋ Too many ㅋ


Although for Sorry, Sorry and It’s you the performance is important

But (for the sake) of letting all the people around to learn the dance, Hyungs put in a lot of effortㅋ

So those who are singing just care about the focal point and it’ll be even better ㅋ


“Not only the kids who are in charge of singing, you must also let everyone see those kids at the back, how should we choreograph this dance”


The words exuding gratitude which SangHoonie hyung and Jaewonie hyung said..


“We need to emphasize on those kids at the side who have to dancing with hard work”


Our directors who spin the cameras around like chopsticks!!


All WoowangㅋGoodㅋ


Ah today is a day I just felt like thanking everyone..ㅋㅋ

Written in such a fantastic way ㅋㅋ


Everyone all around


I!Love!You! ○○○!!

Milky!White!Skin! ○○○!!


Leaving comments as beautiful as your appearancesㅋㅋ

Will then our performance will be even more charismaticㅋㅋ


Ah I’m feeling good today ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

So insecure (-┏)

Credits; OnlySJ13, LoveChul


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