리니지 (Lineage)
The first time I played a game with my friends
‘K.O.F’, ‘사무라이 쇼다운 (Samurai Showdown)’, ‘철권 (Iron Fist)’ etc..
The games which made me betray the entertainment centres and made me run to the PC rooms
Every night I secretly played till I almost got destroyed by my mother
After exams, I went to the PC rooms to play overnight and almost got chased out by my mother
Once the new games came out, I was at the game rooms attacking cities till I almost got chased out
During puberty, students were all watching ‘yadong (p0rn)’ and I wanted to upgrade to distance myself from p0rn
The areas that I’ve played in before.. Yishil Lotte, Sayiha, 시드랏슈(Sidradshyu) ㅡㅡ^
I only know about these 3 places..
Because there are so many service stations;; I just stay at Yishil Lotte (-┏)
In my blurred memory..(From here on, only people who play Lineage will understand ㅋ)
The only person who played past 50 levels was 9-tattooed Dragon? That’s right;; There was someone like this
I was even a priest.. Everday after getting beaten I’d stay in the destroyed villages
After I learnt my skills and went out to randomly use it, I got leveled down
A female priest appeared when I was in my 3rd year of High Schoolㅡㅡ?
After 개경주(?) came out I played with my friends till we almost went crazy*;;
We played the whole day just for this character
When I leveled up it was MP 6 I guess? If I wasn’t leveled up and instead was leveled down I had to practice all over..
The role which was leveled down by 12 and leveled up by 6 is cursed;;
Conquering land and regions? It seems like this..ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Ah! Also there’s the poisoned-like music..
뜨르 (DDeuReu) 뜨르뜨 드뜨뜨뜨 뜨뜨드드드 드드~♬
(And it repeated..)
Anyhow.. Those people who don’t play will not remember this memory ㅋㅋ
Star, Lineage, Fortress, 하두리 (Haduri).. I’ve played all of these beforeㅋㅋ
That time I was in my 2nd~3rd year of high school.. It has almost been 10 years (-┏)
Don’t know which wind made me think of the past so I started playing Lineage
Heol.. The careers have increased and so has the background music changed;; A lot has changed..
This.. I feel like I’ve aged..
I’ve come to be gentle.. Because of petty things I’d think of the past
Ok, Undeads!!
What are your memories
N.B* It’s some weird expression.. +_+ But I guess it meant something like that.
Credits; OnlySJ13
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