Sungmin's cyworld got hacked

Sungmin’s Cyworld Entry 2009.02.11 13:32

"Dont know who.. just want to say~

I don't know why you keep doing a bad thing..

What are you going to do if the situation gets bigger and you really can't go back (take it back)..

This is no longer a joke~

Using other people’s identity card number is really very dangerous ah~

What do you want to do with my password~

Out of curiousity about my private life~?

But nothing special..;

This is the first and last time I'm going to say this~^^"

waaw... the hacker must be really great doing this... he can know sungmin's identity card, and now since he get in easily, the hacker will be able to see sungmin private life..
i think the suspect is someone who really know about sungmin, or some one who really love sungmin (that's why the hacker wants to know all about him), or the last reason, someone who really hate sungmin (for this one, i hate it.. those antis)
hope sungmin isn't close his cyworld..



Anonymous said...

Thats horrible..i hate people who hacked into anyone's account

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